Specialist Orthodontist Dr Chloé Rolland working at Dawood and Tanner Dental Practice in Marylebone

Chloé Rolland

GDC 244036 Registered Specialist in Orthodontics

BDS, DClinDent, MFDS RCS(Edin), MOrth RCS(Eng)

Born and raised in Paris, I qualified as a dentist from the University of Bristol in 2013. Following posts in general dentistry, paediatric dentistry, oral medicine, oral and maxillofacial surgery, I specialised in Orthodontics at Queen Mary, University of London.

I obtained my Membership in Orthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons of England and was awarded the J.K Williams Gold Medal, highlighting my clinical ability and knowledge of current evidence.

I also completed a Clinical Doctorate, investigating the surgical outcomes of patients with complex craniofacial anomalies, treated by multi-disciplinary teams for which I received the Jim Moss Research Award.

I relish the problem-solving aspect of orthodontics and have extensive experience in treating complex cases involving a multi-disciplinary team approach. I enjoy treating both adults and children to the optimum standard, ensuring that I can address each patient’s concerns and provide treatment using ceramic labial braces, aligners and lingual appliances.

I continue to practice orthodontics in a hospital setting, focusing on the treatment of children with facial deformities. Outside of work, I am an avid reader who enjoys cycling and portrait painting.